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RE: Pair of Losers

in Freewriters โ€ข last year

Well, a 5 minute free write turned to a 1000 words strong of thoughts, life experiences and lessons ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

The dreamer in you is active!!!

The line between losers and winners is quite muddled though, as you said it's all a matter of perspective.
Yes you got the prize

But did you really win?

What if you only won a battle, then in that case the fellow you were laughing wins the war.

Suddenly the tables flip.

There's this line from a Jcole's song.

I've noticed he has a lot of great lines...

He said...
"Every winner's gotta lose someday, every loser's gotta win."

Hence since we'll all be winners at one point in time, doesn't it mean that every other time we're all losers?

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"Every winner's gotta lose someday, every loser's gotta win."

So why get so hit up about it all then?! :D


Yeah! I like to give my readers some value for their vote! <3