No way ! That's cruel of him you must not live with such person..I won't suggest you to live with home anymore. It's better to get divorced rather than dying of being beaten.
@dreemport #dreemport
No way ! That's cruel of him you must not live with such person..I won't suggest you to live with home anymore. It's better to get divorced rather than dying of being beaten.
@dreemport #dreemport
On point... It's so cruel of him but sadly that's how some guys are... Divorce would have being an option but being beaten up constantly isn't a requirement for divorce when we use the Bible standard.
I believe there are so many other ways to go about it... Living the home is an option because you wouldn't want to lose your life being beaten up always...
But if marriage isn't working we must opt for separation even when we realize that the match is not going well