in Freewriters6 months ago (edited)


To build and maintain a successful organization, it's essential to foster a strong sense of teamwork and unity. While individual contributions are valuable, creating a cohesive and effective team requires more than just people. A lack of organization can hinder the progress of an organization. Without mutual understanding and unity, a mere group of individuals cannot truly function as an organization. It takes people, understanding, and unity to form a strong organization.

The power of the team is in their zeal and whatever tempers with the zeal of the people, affects the organization wholistically.

As a member of a department consisting of seven units in the university, I am part of a 104-member unit. When we initially came together, we struggled to form a cohesive organization due to our differing perspectives and lack of understanding. We were quick to focus on each other's shortcomings and negative qualities rather than recognizing each other's strengths and positive qualities.

Over time, we realized that to establish a strong organization, we needed to maintain our enthusiasm. It's essential to identify and address factors that can diminish the zeal within an organization to foster a strong and united team.

Here are some key factors that can negatively impact organizational zeal and growth:


  1. Focusing on negative feedback:
    It's important to recognize that no organization is composed of perfect individuals. Humans are inherently fallible, and it's crucial to avoid internalizing negative feedback about the organization or its members to maintain enthusiasm and promote growth.
    When a team member pays more attention to a critic who enjoys condemning both the people and the organization at large- it kills the zeal of such individuals and weakens the organization.

Experience: The Class representative of my unit lost his position as a result of this factor- he digested every negative detail he heard from others and that made his perspective wrong about the people he was to lead, and also blinded him from seeing the good things about these people hereby making him forget that he was to be a manager/leader whose duty was to manage and lead the team patiently.
Only God is above mistakes- What makes a human is his weakness to make mistakes.

  1. Avoiding unhealthy comparisons:
    Comparing one's team unfavourably to another without a full understanding of the other team can be detrimental. It's crucial to focus on the unique strengths and potential for growth within your team rather than making unwarranted comparisons.
    Team "A" can never be the same as Team "B". Most time their vision may differ and you must have that understanding.

  2. Letting go of bitterness:
    Embracing forgiveness and openness within the team can help maintain a positive and motivated environment. Holding onto resentment can sap the zeal and productivity of the organization, so it's important to address and resolve conflicts openly.


  3. Embracing learning and growth:
    Actively participating in training and development opportunities is essential for personal and organizational growth. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, the organization can maintain its zeal and adaptability.
    Individuals in an organization who are too lazy to learn do lose their zeal and become envious of others who are growing in the organization, everyone must embrace and have an attitude of learning.

In summary, it's important for an organization to proactively manage factors that could undermine its zeal and vitality. By prioritizing the well-being and growth of its members, an organization can build a strong and resilient team.

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