Yesterday, I was scrolling through social media, when I saw a post encouraging single mothers who have decided to stay off s3x till marriage.
Before I go further, let me say this.
It's very possible to stay sexually pure, even if you are no longer a virgin. Sexual purity is not exactly the same as virginity. Virginity is like 10% of what sexual purity entails.
Sexual purity is a necessity for everyone; virgin, non-virgin, single, engaged or married.
As a single mom, if you wake up one day and decide to quit every sexual practices until marriage, that is a step towards sexual purity.
When you don't deliberately look at pornography content, no matter the pressure.
When you insist on no sex till marriage.
When you don't masturbate.
When you don't sex chat or send nudes.
When you don't keep sensual books, music, movies, and materials in your phone.
When you are not gay, lesbian or bestial.
When you don't cheat on your spouse.
When your thoughts are clean & pure.
Don't let anyone talk down on the fact that you are a single mom or you are no longer a virgin. Whether you lost your virginity foolishly, ignorantly or unwillingly, you can still practice sexual purity and walk shoulder high.
We shall be many, and not be few.
©️ Esther Ebbah #EstherEbbah
Content Creator/Writer
Skill-Up Advocate {EBS}
Data Plug/Telecom Expert
Godly Relationship Enthusiast