The power of self confidence "part 4"

in Freewriters3 months ago

You have been cheated by the nature. The game has been rigged against you.

You are wired to give not to receive. To protect not to be protected. To provide not to be provided for.

No one cares about you because you are a man. No one gives you anything for free except you sweat for it.

The only time you received something for free was when you sucked your mother's breast milk as a baby, after which no one owns you anything not even your parents.

You are been depended upon by all and sundry with no one to depend on, no one to run to, you are not even expected to cry out, because you are a man and men don"t cry.

The only favour you can do for yourself is to be selfish. Love yourself more, put yourself first before anyone.

Avoid mistakes, it can draw you ten years backwards while those you started with will give you gaps with ten miles ahead, that is why you should look well before you leap and never be swayed by emotions.

Discover your purpose , strive for success, set goals and targets and work hard to achieve it, make money and become successful, that is the only thing that will maintain your life .

Avoid poverty by all means, it is never a palatable experience

. As there is no place for the weak in the jungle, also there is no place for the poor on earth.

That is why you should prioritize yourself and look before you leap.

In whatever you do, strive for the peace of mind..

A man needs a peaceful, calm and serene atmosphere to sort himself out.

All solutions of your problems dwells in your thoughts,

And your thoughts emanates from your state of minds.

If your state of mind is calm and peaceful, your thoughts will be positive and the solutions of your problems will be visible

but if your state of mind is distorted, your thoughts will be distorted and your problems will be compounded,

making your life so tumultuous.

That is why any vvoman who can't give you peace of the mind should be deleted from your life.

Your life is already chaotic, don't compound it with dramatic daughters of the Eve.

Don't be hookwinked by her standing breasts, don't be spellbound by the big "nyash" these are the shortcuts to the graveyards for the man with distorted state of mind.

Be wise