Reconnect to your body, reconnect your body to your mind, reconnect your mind to your spirit, and then your spirit to your soul so that when in the treasonous lies of deceits they will walk toward you, you will only see them for what they are, non living.
Our reality is shaped by the information that we absorb. Each individual has a different being. A different way of logic processing.
INPUTS/OUTPUTS neglect the "spiritual" worlds, the flow of the tao, the will of god, the burning flame of liberty.
LOGIC is always BINARY : right or wrong. With the only caveat that time makes all the difference (how many apple trees are there in this apple?).
I think we really only ever win if we don't play.
Nature doesn't lie and will be there when you die.
Thank you for such insight into what really matters. A paradigm shift away from the noise and bring it back to our own accountability for what makes our perception.
I love the apple tree metaphor. Once I would have imagined the past and future through a lens of judgment, trying to figure out how many years a tree has stood. But now I just see beauty in the its certain existence. That it has been there for however long regardless and will likely stay regardless of my judgment.