Actions speak louder than words

in Freewriters3 years ago

How was your day everyone? I am busy the whole day at work, good for me because my mind is occupied and I feel different when I'm at work.

February 28, 2022 - Monday

I remembered a story that I read before it was was short but some words instilled in my mind. It was a story about a couple and their love for each other.

I know you're thinking about my articles this past few days is more on relationships lol, am I already obvious now that I'm hopeless romantic lol. Let us go back to the story I'm talking about.

They are married for 25 years, the husband is a good provider, and the wife loves her husband dearly, they have 6 daughters who live with them on the farm. One day as their wedding anniversary is approaching, the husband recalls the wonderful moments they both shared, and ever since he only heard her wife say that he loves him once and that was on their wedding day. The husband decided to ask his wife if he still loves him no matter what will be her answer he is ready to hear whether she love him or not. The next day before the husband went to work she kissed his wife goodbye and said I love you. The wife was occupied and she just nod. The following day the husband did it again and the wife just said bye. Wanting to hear a response from her, on the day of their anniversary he talked to hís wife. The husband said to the wife, " I was thinking that you don't love me anymore, because every time I said I love you, you didn't even say it back, today it's our 25th anniversary and you didn't say you love me too, even just for the day ". The wife was silent for a while and smiled, she said to her husband, " Look at you, I am your wife, I cook your meals, wash your clothes, milk the cows, raise half a dozen daughters for you, my bed is yours, my time is yours, everything I have I share it with you, and after all that you wanted to know whether I love you? well I guess, I do... "

Have you thought about the reaction of the husband? Saying the words sometimes is just a reminder that you love that person, but what are words without cations, and what are actions without the gesture of love. Sometimes our understanding of love is shallow because we focus on words than actions, we are happy and feel love when we receive gifts on some occasion. But how about, caring, telling that you are wrong, and guiding you to the right path. For some, it is easier to say, than done, because some can fake it. As we say actions speak louder than words and that's the thing that we cannot hide.

Hope you like my writing, I think it's a bit complicated lol but thank you very much for dropping by. And to my ecency family I am always great full for having you😘. To the old and new likers, commenters, and the upvoters thank you all. God bless us all.