The seven o'clock ride

in Freewriters3 years ago


Tick, tick, tick the clock is ticking. In just a few minutes my shift is over. What a tiring night, I finished all the list and time to turnover, thanks God Garry is early.

Good morning gorgeous! how many patients do we have? Garry said to Amy.
Well quite a few, we only have 10, and the Doctors will be late today because they have a meeting, so let's check now? Amy instructed Garry.

They went to check all the patients, afterward, Amy went to the bus stop. After a while of waiting the bus finally arrived, the bus is half full and she sited at the same spot at the back so that she can nap a bit. It was a 45 minutes ride from the hospital to her Village. Amy is working as a nurse in General Hospital, she is 35 and has been single for 3 years, she had 2 past relationships but didn't work out the last one she thought that they would end up getting married but still, it wasn't meant to be. She already moved on and not looking for love for a moment she enjoys her work and all the usual things she is doing every day.

She was busy working and for her, it's always the same, she seldom goes out with friends, she is fine just sitting at home watching movies, and most especially to sleep. Her mother visited her on weekends and brought her fresh vegetables and fruits from their farm. Her mother sometimes teases her about looking for a boyfriend because she is not young anyone. Amy just smiles and tells her mother "come what may".

The next day at work was still the same, her schedule was 10 in the evening to 6 in the morning. After her shift, she gets on the bus by 7 or past 7, but this morning the usual spot that she is sitting was occupied by someone else. Amy just sat across the guy and put her headphones on. She wasn't feeling fine, in her mind, she thinks that something is not right. She was uncomfortable because she is not used to sitting on any place in the bus, but it's public transport and anybody can sit anywhere, unfortunately, that moment her sit was taken. She just told herself that maybe tomorrow no one will sit there.

The following day, Amy get off a bit late and the 7 o'clock bus was already gone, she waited on the next bus and it was almost 8 in the morning and her eyes is pulling her to sleep, she was thinking to take a nap when she hops on the bus and to sit on her spot. The bus arrived, she was on the and heading to her sit, unfortunately, someone is sitting on it again. She was tired and sited immediately right beside the person, put her headphones on, and after a while, she slept. Amy didn't know what happened while she was sleeping, the guy next to her woke her up and she was startled.

"Miss, may I pass? it's my stop and your headphone fell." The guy handed her headphone and stood up then walkway.

Amy didn't recall anything, she was so asleep and didn't also notice that her headphone fell, and also forgot to say thank you to the guy. Amy arrived home, have her breakfast, and after a shower, she went to bed. Before she's about to sleep she recalls what happened on the bus, but she can't recall, maybe she leaned over to that guy while she was sleeping because he looks annoyed when he handed the headphone.
Part 2

The alarm is on it's 9 in the evening, getting ready to work. Preparing some sandwiches for the long night, her tumbler with lemon and some chips all in, in her backpack.

Phone ringing
"Hello, mom how are you? I'm about to go. why did you call?" Amy talking to her mom.
"Nothing dear I'm just checking on you, did you eat well? and by the way, I will not come over this weekend, your dad and I will go to his friend's birthday." mother told her.
"It's okay mom, I'm fine just enjoy your weekend with dad and give him a kiss for me, I will go now mom," Amy said goodbye to her mom.

She went out then waited for the bus, she arrive at the hospital on time, they checked all the patients together with the other nurse and she was set. She was with Ray her co nurse on duty and he was gay, he like Ray because there's no dull moment in the evening and he is the closest friend she had.

Amy is not much on facial recognition not unless she is interested and sees the person constantly. Her shift is about to end and Garry is already there so they finished the rounds early.

"I will go now Ray, what is your plan this weekend?" Amy ask.
"Well, nothing why?" he asks.
" Mom isn't coming this weekend if you want we can go out. " Amy told Ray
" Are you guy together?" Garry looks at Amy.
" If I only knew that you like gay, I can be gay too." Garry teasing Amy and Ray.
" Don't be silly Garry, I am always right here but you didn't notice, you always look at Amy." Ray teasing Garry.
They laughed at each other
"I will go now, I don't want to miss the bus, I want to sleep early," Amy said.

It's almost 7 am and Amy is standing at the bus stop, as always many people are waiting because it's the rush hour they are going to work and she is going home. Finally, the bus arrived and she is on the fourth line, as the bus is stopping she saw on the window there is someone already sitting on her spot again and as she walked inside the bus looking at the person, she was thinking that if it's the same person yesterday. She could not remember, she didn't sit next to him instead she sat behind him. Amy settled herself and didn't mind the guy. The guy left the bus before her, but Amy can't help thinking about it.

The next day it's Friday and Amy is excited because Saturday is her off. She went to work on Friday night and the following day is Saturday. Ray is coming over to her place and they are having dinner in Amy's house. Amy as usual waited again for the bus and she was glad that no one was sitting on her spot, now she was settled. The bus is about to go a guy walk towards her and sited beside her. Amy didn't bother at all she puts on her headphones and take a nap.

After a few minutes, the guy woke her up and her headphones fall again. Amy apologize and thank the guy. At that moment Amy is the one who takes off the bus and still she has no idea that the guy who she always bumps into every day is the same. Without her knowledge, the guy already noticed her before.

Let me give you an idea of who is this guy:

He is Adam, he is an Architect 40 years old, 5'9" tall, medium built, and have a fair complexion. The look is, he used to wear jeans, a polo shirt or t-shirt, and sneakers. He is not that good looking but he has a strong appeal and the voice is strong but soft.
Part 3

Adam is working on a project near the hospital where Amy is working, before he went to their office Adam would drop by to check the development in the site. Like Amy, he always catches the seven o'clock bus ride to their office.

Since the project started 4 months ago Adam rides the seven o'clock bus every day, he also sees Amy every day but sometimes he missed the bus but he is always hopeful that he would see her the next day. It's been a month riding the bus that's the time he noticed Amy, he had also a spot in the bus, he got curious about Amy because she was seeing her every day at the same time. Adam has a past relationship and also didn't go well, he was single for 6 years and afraid to gamble for love again. When he saw Amy, something glitters deep inside. And for how many days he observes Amy he thinks he will have the courage to talk to her.

Sitting on her spot is his first move, but it didn't work well because Amy fell asleep and she didn't even recognize him the next day. The day that Amy didn't see Adam sitting on her spot, Adam is just right there on the other side, Adam thought she would recognize him, but as he saw the satisfaction on the face of Amy that no one is sitting in her place, he saw that Amy is a strong woman she can do better without a man and that feeling disappoints him. Because he is starting to like Amy, he doesn't know why maybe it's love at first sight but he is old for that.

At his work, Adam was occupied by the thoughts of Amy. It's Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday, he will not be seeing her for 2 days, again. He was thinking that this time he will introduce himself to her. But what will he do this weekend?

" Adam, are you free tonight?" asked Adam's friend.
" Well, nothing important, my schedule of a visit is next week, so what is it? " Adam to his friend.
" We will be at Jeff's house, have dinner and watch UFC, you can come over if you want. " his friend said.
" Alright, then I'll bring some beer. " telling his friends.

It's 3 in the afternoon, Adam is about to go home and he remembered that he promised to bring some beer for the boys tonight. He went to the mall and have some groceries and when he went to the beverage area only a few beers left as he was about to come closer a woman grabbed the 5 can that were only left on the stand.

" Miss, are you...." he was speechless.
"Yes? what will you say?" Amy asks Adam.
Adam was stunned and he just shook his head telling nothing. Then Amy turned her back away from him, as nothing happened. Amy doesn't recognize him at all. Adam just look at Amy from afar, he just grab a different kind of beer and left. He will just gain his courage the next time they met.

The weekend is over and it's Monday, Adam was excited. Amy woke up early to do some laundry and go to the market so she can bring food to work. The night came, Amy went to work and Adam at home. The next day Adam sited across Amy's spot and as expected she settled herself and the usual thing that she does. Adam took a deep breath then sit beside her, Amy move a bit and look at the window.

" Hi, miss." Adam greeted Amy but seems Amy didn't hear him because the headphone is on. Adam extended his hand to Amy, Amy was stunned.

" Excuse me? do I know you?" Amy asks Adam.
" Hi, I am Adam, I don't know if you remember, but we already met," he explains.
" I'm sorry when was that?" Amy look puzzled.
" It's a long story, if you don't mind I can refresh it to you," Adam told Amy with a smile.
Amy blushed while Adam narrate his experience with her.
" I'm sorry, I have a very low recognition on faces, and for my rudeness. " Amy said to Adam.

Adam reached his destination and was about to go.
" See you tomorrow Amy." he smiles and left. Amy smiled back and nodded.

Adam was relieved, he already got his first move but the question is will Amy like him if she will know the truth about him?
Part 4

Adam and Amy became friends, they see each other every day on the bus. They talk and laugh, it's been 3 months of knowing each other and Adam confesses to Amy that he likes her and wanted her to be a part of his life. But Adam wanted to be honest to Amy he wanted it to be right this time no matter what would be Amy's answer he will take it with no regrets.

" Amy, I wanted you to know that I am true to my feelings, I want to be honest and I don't want to keep secrets on you," Adam said.
" What is it Adam you make me nervous," Amy said.
"I'm married Amy, I have a daughter she is turning 6 this Sunday," Adam told Amy straight.
Amy was speechless, she never thought about this, she was thinking that Adam have a physical condition that he wanted to confess.
" Oh my, you're married? why didn't you tell me the first time, I know, you know that I'm already falling in love with you, and now you're telling me this." Amy felt sad and felt ashamed of herself she can't imagine being a mistress.
" But we are not together anymore Amy, it's been 3 years and we are in the process of our annulment. I only visit and have time for my daughter on weekends." Adam explained to Amy.

Amy can't absorb it all in a day and the time is short for her to decide. She can't react much because they are on the bus and Adam is about to go.

" Can we talk some other time, I need to think," Amy told Adam. Then Adam went off the bus and Amy headed home.

She thought about Adam and everything he said to her. Amy took 3 days' leave from work and went to their province to take a rest. She told her mother about Adam, her mother was considerate, she sense that Amy love Adam. Her advice to Amy is to give Adam a chance.

" Dear, give Adam a chance, you are only starting a relationship you're not getting married already, both of you are old enough to decide, if your relationship doesn't work then accept it, that's how a relationship goes." Her mother said.

Adam waited, he didn't see Amy for a few days. He knows that in his case having baggage is difficult to accept and adjust. He already set his mind in whatever decision Amy has he will accept. The following week Amy got the 9 o'clock ride, she took a rest for a while then called Adam and they met.

" I am sorry to keep you waiting, I need to think for a while and to be sure by my decisions towards you, I already love you Adam but there's a lot to handle because you have a child and I don't want to divide your time with her," Amy said to Adam.
" If you just let me try, my time for my daughter is different to yours, I know I'm not perfect but I can make it perfect with you. I love you, Amy." Adam holding Amy's hand.
" I love you too Adam." Amy to Adam.

They become lovers and handle their relationship well, Adam still visiting his daughter and after a long time he introduced her daughter to Amy, the adjustment period is not easy for Amy and Adam's daughter like any other relationship is not always happy. The annulment case was delayed and Adam was disappointed, he wanted to build a new life with Amy but time won't let it happen. Amy was supportive and willing to wait, she don't want to lose Adam, she was certain that Adam will get the annulment and they could live a new life together.

After two years of waiting, the annulment case was lifted, and Adam can spend more time with her daughter together with Amy. After a year Adam proposed to Amy and they got married.

"How fortunate am I to be able to call you mine? Every day, your love and faith help me become a better person. For all of our time together, there has always been a mutual understanding that can only be conveyed when two people sincerely love each other. You were there for me as I faced my worst trials. You pushed me to improve. You made me believe in myself and grow into the person I am now. I know I can do anything in your arms and by your side. I'm proud to call you my wife."

"My husband, I invite you to share my life. You are the most loving, clever, and kind individual I have ever known, and I promise to always be in your corner. Together, I know we can do anything. I can't wait to work hand in hand to build a beautiful life together. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part–I promise you all of this and more with God's help to strengthen and guide me as your supportive wife. I give you all that I have myself and my love.

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Thank you for your time reading my post😀