Wishing on the life you have waisted

in Freewriters3 years ago

Hello, another busy week. Hope everyone is doing well and this is another article of mine that makes me wonder again.

This makes me think, is this the sign of aging? do wondering most of the time a sign of aging? sometimes before I go to sleep, I am thinking things from the past and making a different story and asking myself, "what if my life turns out to be like that". Then think about people or someone that I know, what if I am in her situation right now, having an abundant life as if there is no problem to think about, no deadlines to catch up, plenty of food to eat, and can sustain things in life. Do I have a weird mind? 😅 well sometimes it's much weirder lol.

Why am I wishing on the things that you waisted?

I have seen and observed some events in life which I felt regretted the life of others that they wasted. I don't know, for some family is our life and soul, especially our parents they give everything to us, but for others, they don't value their parents. Some just let them live on their own, some treat them like somebody else, they make them work even in they're old, and many other things that make them neglect their parents. Then here comes the time that they are no longer there for us, that's the time we can see their value. I don't have parents, they didn't see my kids grow, they didn't witness how I built my family, regrets are always in the end. For those who still have both parents living, spend some time with them like it is your last, because you never know when they will be gone.

Not all are blessed to have a wonderful job that gives you a good salary, can buy a beautiful house, and have the latest car. It also depends on your guts and self-confidence for having to choose the career you wanted, so it involves knowledge, determination, and confidence. I just only have a pinch of those lol. I have this cousin of mine who poses this kind of character, he is a graduate of BSMT Marine Engineer, I can say he is intelligent and career-oriented, married a CPA and I can say they have a good life and stable finances. He is working overseas and her wife is a CPA. They buy a house, have a small business but all of a sudden it was gone slowly. In other words mishandling of finances. They have enough money but they are not rich but they act as they are rich, having various businesses that always fail, he left his job, he sold their house and now he is running for Councilor independently. Sometimes too much confidence is not good, my cousin thinks that he can win this yet he just "baguhan".

Relationship and family
Blessed are those who have a wonderful relationship, not all have that. I know a relationship is a tricky one because it involves trust, love, and understanding from both partners. When one of that is missing it started to fall. But why do some choose to fall out of the relationship even when everything seems to be perfect? I always say in my mind, are they insane?! living your family and neglecting a wonderful relationship just to be with somebody else? Some reason they may say is that their partner is too perfect for them, some wanted to experience until they become attached, others being lonely because the partner is working abroad and more other reasons to tell, for me it's all unreasonable. Others wish for a wonderful married life but others are throwing it away.

Seeing somebody whose life is much better than mine I have this wishful thinking, what is it to live a life like them?, but somehow I remember that life is what we make it, it was a choice that we make from the past and still a choice we are making for our future. I don't think it is off to wish on something that we don't have but we always need to think if it's necessary? can we afford that?. This time, I may say that what we have in life now we need to make it prosper and be contented, life is not perfect and happy all the time but we must not stop dealing with it. If some are wasting their wonderful life I pity them, regrets are always at the end.

My apologies if some of my writing seems to be awful, hope everyone values everything that's in your life. Have a wonderful week to all of us and God bless you more.