If we want to discuss about one of these edible animals, of course there will be many things, or much things that we can discussed. As for this delicious and nutritious dish, it is not difficult to find it in our area, Aceh, Indonesia. Even though it is not yet included in a country that exports chickens, that animals are almost the same as these birds are very easy to find here.
There will be lots of things that we can discuss if it is related to chickens, among them, there are free-range chickens, cut chickens, red chickens, laying hens and so on.Likewise with the eggs produced, if there are only two types of eggs, namely free-range chicken eggs and Australian chicken eggs, both are just for consumption.
The Loh Angen Chickens
The chicken that in the picture is it The Loh Angen Chickens, one of a village located in the City of Lhokseumawe, Muara Satu, North Aceh, Aceh. In the picture there are several types of chickens and their colors.There were hens, roosters, pullets and chicks.
Likewise with the color, some are red mixed with white plus gray, some are black mixed with red, some are white mixed with orange and so on. However, animals that belong to this type of bird category are very easy to find it in areas, especially Aceh areas.
The Acehnese Like to Eat A Chickens
In every house and a village in Aceh, the owners of the house, or all a people in Aceh have kept a chickens. Some of the chickens are kept for sale, some are raised to be eaten and some are raised to be eaten and sold to the market. Especially for a selected chickens, it’s Bangkok (Siam’s) chickens, Thailand, they are only raised and sold their seeds.
Bangkok chicken or Thailand chicken is a type of super chicken, it is expensive to buy and expensive for sell, so Thailand chickens are only raised and sold.In the picture of the chicken there is a type of Thailand chicken or a Bangkok type of rooster.
The Chicken Meat Delicious and Nutritious
It's another thing if you want to eat them, these chickens can be processed into various types of dishes, some are cooked in broth, baked, fried, drained and so on.Of course the taste of the chicken meat is very delicious and very delicious.If you want to cook it, however, it will still taste delicious and nutritious.
Eating chicken meat for people in Aceh has become their obligation.Likewise with other meats. People in Aceh really like to eat a meat. The meats they like are beef, buffalo, goat, sheep, deer, mountain goat, quail, duckand all kinds of ducks.
Of course, all of that animal and a meat it halal, halal animal meat is eaten, if you want to eat that, it must be slaughtered first, slaughtered in an Islamic manner. Because people in Aceh and Indonesia are predominantly a Muslim. For Muslims it has been determined by Islamic law which animals and meat can be eaten, a halal and haram.
Thank You
Kind Regard
Thayeb Loh Angen
Author’s asst. Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai.
Captions for All Photos: The Loh Angen Chickens, one of a village located in the City of Lhokseumawe, Muara Satu, North Aceh, Aceh, February 25, 2023. Photo by Jamaluddin-Lodin LA. With the Nikon D7000 Camera, Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm Lens.
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