Wood carving artist are very rare, very hard to find them but every country and region or a village they must be there. The carvings that are made, are very enchanting to anyone who sees the carvings artis. They are creative and cool people.
In terms of carving, of course, they do first to choose the wood, any wood that is durable and looks good when carved on it.Not the ordinary wood used by the sculptor to carve a particular image. They are very observant in choosing these the woods for carving.
As for the carvings that are often carved on wood by them, they are make a images or picture of flowers, and so certain motifs desired by their customers.Ordinary woodcarving is often used in a houses made of the wood too.Nowadays houses made of wood are more expensive than houses made of a cement and the bricks.
Detailed People
There are rarely wooden houses nowadays, in which countries you can count how many wooden houses there is now, of course, so, because the government too has banned arbitrary, now has a lawfor cutting of the wood. Can’t cut it how we need and how we want for this time.
Even so, it does not affect for the income of the woodcarving artists, they do not lack income, every day there must be a people come for him, every day who order the woodcarvings.Of course with an order regarding a certain carving, which is desired by the orderer.
Sculpture, or woodcarv and other arts are the same, the artists are cool people.Besides being cool, they have very high imaginations. If a artists don't have high imaginations, they can't to work.They are the same as other people who can not, which has nothing, which has can’t for do with art.
Everyone will definitely do his job because of love, love for his work, job. Then something that is produced apart from satisfying himself can also make his customers satisfied. That is a love. Because a true love can make anyone and who other to be happy.
Must Love Our Jobs
A people who love their job will always be passionate about working, there is no feeling of fatigue in them self, no. They doesn't feel how the time has passed, they only focuses on his work or job not focused on his working time passed.
Especially the sculptors, woodcarv they are extraordinary. Carving is a very detailed art, there can be do no a mistake there.Because once there is an error, make a mistake there the work must be repeated again and will use new materials again, of course they will lose. So, they are very observant in carving anything.
In the picture you can see how neatly the doors are made, the shutters, window are made as beautiful, as possible, there are small carvings around the sides of the doors and the windows. Of course in carving on the doors and the windows it takes a very long time.
Coupled there with a very professional patience. That's how they are carving artists, a professional things in every way, both mind, energy, body and especially in terms of patience. They are so amazing. And all of the art it is amazing.
Thank You
April 9, 2023
Kind Regard
Thayeb Loh Angen
Author’s asst. Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai.
Captions for All Photos: The Wood Carving in the City of Lhokseumawe, Muara Satu, North Aceh, Aceh, April 3, 2023. Photo by Jamaluddin-Lodin LA. With the Nikon D7000 Camera, Nikon 18-55mm Lens.