What do you think?
The other day, while eating fried corn, a small piece of my tooth exploded while I was chewing...
I didn't realize that it had broken, I thought some of the corn had simply gotten stuck to it, but immediately afterward I noticed that the tooth had a sharp edge scratching my tongue.
It was 8 pm so I went to the first dental centre that was still open...
The consultation was quick, they cleaned and filed the tooth and put a kind of putty in the cavity that relieved the scratching of my tongue. They then presented me with a quote of almost 900 Euros to perform a root canal, that is, kill the dental nerve, and implant a crown with a false tooth on top, and they told me how lucky I had been to have broken this small piece of tooth while I was chewing fried corn because the tooth had a cavity inside.
I was impressed, 5 minutes and 900 Euros, and the intervention was planned in 4 sessions... OMG!
At that moment, as I didn't have any pain, I decided to leave and not accept the quote... I preferred to think about it and ask for a second opinion.
I came from another dentist, this one was more honest in my opinion. According to him, it doesn't seem advisable to do a root canal and that he would prefer to leave the tooth alive and fill the cavity. In any case, the root canal can always be done if necessary.
I haven't thought about it anymore, I prefer the "conservative" intervention, then we'll see, besides the price is a tenth of the first one's quote...
But I'm impressed by how some treat you only as a business or merchandise when there are more efficient and much cheaper alternatives...
I had a similar case. Pistachio, cavity inside. My doctor said, partial crown without root treatment. 250 Euro. The extra insurance paid cam 200
That seems a good deal
I always go with the option to keep the natural teeth for as long as possible, when the situation allows for it. The alternatives may look better, but are often disappointing when it comes to how long they last or what you can(n't) use them for. Plus, they cost much more.
I agree with you. The first dentist is in the business of making money, the second one may actually care about patients.
Thanks for sharing your experience
Sorry that happened to you. I had to get a root canal back in 2017 and drove to Mexico because it was going to be $2,700 in Arizona and was $900 total in Mexico. It isn't cheap.
It would be way worse now. That is how it is in the United States. Dental insurance doesn't cover root canals. It's a complete scam.
Medical care is becoming very expensive, they get what they want. That's why they are confident. You get treatment from the next doctor, it seems honest.
That's why they say that today we should check each and every thing first that if it is not good for our health then we should not eat it otherwise we have to spend a lot of money on ourselves.