A Bully and a Thief

in Freewriters2 months ago

”Executioner” Samuel Madison walks through the casino with purpose. He stops about five feet away from a blackjack table where a few people are playing cards. One has been a big winner so far. He is Kevin Jones. A mild-mannered man from Illinois. He’s been up several thousand dollars and the dealer has signaled to management that she thinks that he is cheating. Samuel makes eye contact with the dealer, who nods with her chin toward Kevin.

Samuel walks over and puts a hand on Kevin’s shoulder.

Samuel Madison - Hey, pal. After this hand, you’re done.

Kevin Jones - Hands off, buddy. I’ll be done when I say I’m done!

Samuel Madison - Is that so?

Samuel grabs Kevin by the back of the head and slams his face into the pile of chips, scattering them a little and bloodying them up by smashing Kevin’s nose.

Samuel Madison - How about now?

Kevin Jones - I’m going to go ahead and cash out now.

Kevin gathers his blood-speckled chips into the container and Samuel helps walk him toward the cashier station.

Samuel Madison - Listen. I don’t care, but you were counting cards. You know it. I know it. You won’t be allowed back on the casino floor ever. You are getting the chance to grab your shit from your room and you’ll be able to leave with what you have stolen so far. Count your blessings that they don’t what that back and also have me break your fucking legs. I would do so with a smile.

Kevin Jones nods as he cashes out and Samuel Madison walks him to the hotel room,walking into the room behind him.

Kevin Jones - Ummm why are you still here?

Samuel Madison - I want to say that I’m making sure that you are leaving, but truth is…I don’t care. The casino doesn’t want the money back, but I think that I could use it a bit more than you do. Give me the cash, bud.

Kevin looks up at Samuel’s stern face in horror.

Kevin Jones - You’re robbing me? I’ll call the police!

Samuel Madison - Oh really? That changes everything.

Samuel punches Kevin in the throat before he can yell and squats down by Kevin, who is choking and gasping so he can take the winnings. He stands up and pockets the money and looks down at Kevin, who is coughing up blood and trying to breathe.

Samuel Madison - Ohhhh. Looks like I crushed your Adam's apple there. I’d finish you off, but why? You might survive this after all, but I doubt it.

Samuel walks out of the room, leaving a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the outside door knob, He walks back out to the casino floor and presses a button on an earbud.

Samuel Madison - Kevin Jones won’t be a problem. If you don’t have anything else for me, I’d like to go meet my friend where he’s looking at some hot chicks. Good deal.

With that, Samuel walks out of the casino and begins hailing a taxi. He drops the earbud out onto the ground and crushes it underfoot. He sees Joseph Greer crossing the street to try to get to him and gets in the waiting taxi.

Samuel Madison - Don’t let that bum in the taxi. I don’t feel like doing an interview.

Driver - Sure thing. Want me to hit him?

Samuel Madison - Dealer’s choice on the vehicular homicide.

Driver - I mean it has been a year since my last manslaughter imprisonment. I’m due.

The taxi driver peels out, heading straight for Joseph Greer in the streets. Joseph tries to dive out of the way but is caught in the legs as he dives between two parked cars.

Driver - Well, I clipped him anyway.

Samuel Madison - Great! Take me to the Twatwaffle.

Driver - You know that’s where the girls -

Samuel Madison - I’m well aware. That’s the club that my friend wanted to go to. In the meantime, I’mma cut a promo.

Samuel opens up FaceTwatter Live and smiles at the camera.

Samuel Madison - You know I really can’t come to terms with that fact that Morgan Decker is having trouble ith three chicks. Max and I could handle all three of them by ourselves in one-to-three combat, but the way it’s set up right now is fine. Morgan has told us to make sure that Kat Hale gets into the ring and to let him defeat her so that he can take the Valor championship. I mean, that’s fine. I don’t want no championship to tie me down anyway. I have work waiting for me once this match is finished, win or lose.

Fuuuuuck! I say win or lose, but I really mean when we win the match. I mean we face a common wrestler, a witch, and a fairy princess. There’s no way on God’s Green Earth that we come out the losers in this match. Man beats woman, every time. That’s why they get pissed when transpeople jump into women’s sports and dominate. Cause it’s really men taking on women.

Driver - I don’t know that FaceTwatter is going to leave your post up, saying stuff like that, sir. I might have to let you out of my taxi as well if you do not stop.

Samuel laughs and passes up a thousand dollars.

Samuel Madison - Keep your ears out of my post and you’ll be able to keep that…and all of your teeth.

Driver - Very good, sir.

Samuel Madison - Morgan wants Kat Hale. I think Max said he wanted Tetsuo. That leaves me with Little Tabitha. They say that you’re a serial killing, Cthulhu worshipping, witch. To that I say balls. You little liar. Like someone with your build could kill anyone at the ripe young age of twelve. Much less go on a twelve-state killing spree before getting caught by the police. I think this shit was made up by your press agent and that you’re just a scared little girl putting up a tough act. You also claim that your father and brother beat you. If this was true, it ain’t nothing like the hurting that I’m going to put on you during the match. You just lucky that we gotta let you tag in Kat Hale before the end so that he can finish her off.

Kat Hale, Tetsuo Oni IV, and Tabitha Osborne…keep thinking that you might win this upcoming match. I promise you that you will not.

The scene fades to black asthe taxi pulls up to the nightclub.