in Freewriters3 years ago


I find it so strange and difficult to understand life sometimes, and I bet that you do too. The reason is that life can be so complex yet very simple. This paradox about the essence of life makes life even more fascinating, to say the least. The package life delivers daily is enough to take us from one end to another. One minute you’re happy and the next sad. One minute you’re confident, while the next you’re so afraid.

I have been through tough times and trust me, I’m still passing through them because I feel life gives everyone hurdles to cross and you have to cross them no matter what. But sometimes we’re so choked up with life’s challenges that we begin to detest life and its beauty. As if that is not enough, we go further to hate our very own selves. I don’t know who’s reading this, but whoever he or she is, I just want to tell you that you should love yourself no matter what.

I know you’ll say, “Of course, I do love myself." But do you? Do you still love yourself when you see your friends partying and throwing up cash all over the place like they own the bank?

Do you still love yourself when everyone in your family thinks you’re a loser and there is evidence to substantiate their claims?

Do you still love yourself when all hell breaks loose and you’re failing in life?

You think I don’t know about those negative self-talk you engage in with yourself when things go sideways. And you tell yourself that you’re a loser, you’re worthless, and that you don’t deserve the good things life has to offer.

Now, do you see that you don’t really love yourself as you say or think you do? You need to realize that loving you is the best thing you can ever do for yourself. There are many reasons why you should love yourself but here are my top 3 reasons why loving yourself is a no-brainer.

1. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love others



I have spent a lot of time studying toxic and hateful people, and one thing I’ve noticed is that they look sad all the time. It seems something ain’t right. They just lack love. If you love and value yourself, it will rub off on others. It is so interesting that the Bible recorded this fact about love.

In the book of Mark, chapter 12 vs 34, Jesus said, “The second is this: love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these." This is the second greatest commandment as far as the Bible is concerned, and the reason for it is obvious.

Can you say you love your neighbor when you don’t love yourself? That’s impossible. When you love yourself truly, you become a happy person, and happy people love to spread happiness to others as well.

2. It is the only way to achieve everything you want

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If you want to live a life of purpose and enjoy all that life has to offer, then developing self-love is super important. When you cultivate self-love, it empowers you with all that you need to get through any storm and conquer. With self-love comes self-kindness, self-encouragement, and self-respect.

You do not seek outside validation to move ahead in your life; neither do people’s vague words or opinions matter to you. There’s a relationship between self-love and having a strong belief in yourself.

If you love yourself truly, you have this confidence within you that gives you a certain level of assurance to aim for your dreams no matter what.

3. Self-love is electric and inspirational


Have you ever been around people who love themselves to the core? If you haven't, then you need to start mingling with such people. I have had the opportunity to watch, speak, and associate with truly happy people, and I can tell you that the energy around them is contagious. There are no dull moments.

Their mere presence instigates joy, peace, happiness and good vibes. You come alive and you just feel awesome in that very moment. So it is also when you are filled with love. You become inspirational and electric. Your energy becomes contagious, and you make sad people happy by raising their own energy. You become unstoppable.

I could go on and on about why you need to cultivate self-love, but I guess these 3 reasons are okay. If you really want to have a better relationship with people , pursue your dreams and inspire others, then you have to love yourself no matter what.

Thanks guys.

Did I miss anything?

Please leave a comment below. I do appreciate your kind words.


Honestly this is one of the best posts I have come across today. Trust me you have strengthen me and given me reasons to keep pushing on no matter what life offers me. God bless you sir♥️

Thanks @emreal. We thank God. I'm glad you loved it.

You are welcome my friend ♥️♥️