The Power Behind Your Full Potential

in Freewriters29 days ago

Most people go through life never tapping into their full potential. I've heard people complain, "We've given our best yet failed," which is comparable to saying, "I didn't eat anything, yet I've gained weight!" It's simply not true. If you had truly given your best, you would go from rags to riches in no more than two, maybe three years, depending on your age, present abilities, qualifications, and knowledge.

The truth is, an average person cannot think of anyone who has truly given their best. Even the giants of the boxing world, like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, and George Foreman, never reached their absolute peak. Despite their greatness, I bet they still had plenty of energy left in their reservoirs.

An average person, though not particularly wise or knowledgeable, is still capable of taking bold steps and accomplishing mind-boggling things. But there's no easy path to success because, for once, you must attract it. Success doesn’t come on a silver platter, not even if you're an aristocrat.

How Do You Attract Success?

By simply "working hard"? Or perhaps by "working smart"? Neither! The average European has an IQ of barely 100. That may seem decent, but in reality, it’s not that far removed from the animal kingdom.

You must establish a feeling of worthiness and deserving, and there's no greater or more secure way of reaching that state of mind than by knowing that you have truly given your best. Try for a day to work yourself to the limit, from dawn till dusk. Think, speak, feel, and act with full intent and effort. Just for a day. By evening, you'll be taken over by a blissful feeling: Everything is alright. I’m capable. I’m worthy.

The Myth of Subconscious Manifestation

Modern-day gurus claim you need to manipulate your subconscious for it to lead you to the manifestation of your dreams. That’s nonsense. This is why innumerable people waste years "manifesting" a big nothing burger.

The real formula? Faith + Work = Materialization.

But this work isn’t about grinding in misery—it’s inspired action. You move with purpose and alignment, knowing that every step brings you closer to your goal.

Preparation Is Key

Before you enter the "ring" of life, prepare yourself like an old-school German businessman. Have every step planned and written down. Calculate the approximate time required for each task. Know when and why to take breaks, and structure them purposefully. Should you let your mind wander into distractions, or should you meditate and harness the most powerful aspect of your being?

Discipline and Focus!

  • Write down your schedule.
  • Keep sweets, treats, and social media away from you—they will break your focus.

Rethinking What We've Been Told

You've been told, "Life is hard." "It takes luck." Generations have regurgitated these statements without ever questioning their validity. But why? Because there was no intellectual or spiritual distinction from one generation to the next.

We are blessed with technology that offers us access to any information we may ever need. Let’s put it to good use. Success is within reach, but only if you are willing to truly give your best.