It was a great and enjoyable read and I am glad to read that the people could decide what would happen with the nasty former prince. How true it is that some will never change their behaviour not even if they know the end is near or perhaps.. it is a sign of a strong character not to beg for mercy and stand for what you did even if it's not accepted.
Thank you for sharing this great medieval story. The more I read the stronger the urge to step back in time.
A big compliment and hug for you.
A collective punishment was fit for the many family members the prince had wronged and/or executed for no cause. And you are correct. Some will never change. It's akin to our modern day justice system however broken that realizes some individuals will never repent.
I'm so pleased you found the series interesting. I appreciate your kind compliment and support throughout the saga. I wish I had the time to incorporate the indepth world building and personality assessments for all the characters.
Take care and have a good rest of your week.