Lost Skies

in Freewriters3 years ago

Lost Skies.gif

I felt that uneasy feeling again as the flight attendant, that preferred to be addressed as a stewardess, inspected my ticket and ushered me down the aisle, to the seat "by the WIndOW." Punctuated at all the right elevations.
Down the the rows, counted by the brief habit of calculation, to aisle 21B... 2..21.. b, touching the overhead baggage lock release, I looked for a sign that she was still around and muttered to a nearly empty plane... "Baker Street."
The lock clicked, the tiny hydraulic supports pushed the cabinet open.
The eyes, level with mine had that familiarity around the crow's feat. Her mouth started to open, the sounds of air escaping... I slipped back, not an unfamiliar sight but one that still shocked me. The lone passenger, head cocked to the side like a bird grounded. Began to tilt there body towards my direction. I knew what that body would hold on top of its shoulders, as the blank waxy face began to emerge through profile, the head in the overstorage starting to collect the errant wind to produce a sound, the first syllable catching on that front tooth, the one beside all the broken ones. "Thhhh HH thhhh..." Say it with me now.
The light penetrating to the iris beyond the lids,was my first grounded connection, then the abrupt clipped sounds of gate bordering announcement in the distance, closer to myself the sounds became defining with screams.... "Are those my screams?" The hands start rushing towards my now conscious body, what was my body.