Pozdrav setaci i moji prijatelji. Svaki put kada setam vodim i vas na neko drugo mesto i to da uvek bude nesto drugačije i zanimljivo.
Greetings to you and my friends. Every time I sit down, I take you to a different place, so that it's always something different and interesting.
Ove srede setamo na Auto show. U mome malom gradu Vrscu preko celog leta održavaju se razne manifestacije, od sportskih terena, jezera, ili gradskog trga. Jedan dogadjaj sada se vec i izdvaja, i vec je tradicija, a to je Auto show. Svake godine pri kraju leta održava se na gradskom trgu i to "tuning auto". "Flizirana" svetla, motori, spojleri, auto muzika... Buka motora miris benzina glasna muzika prelepe devojke.
This Wednesday we are going to the Auto show. In my small town of Vrsac, various events are held throughout the summer, from the sports fields, the lake, or the town square. One event now stands out, and is already a tradition, and that is the Auto Show. Every year at the end of summer, a "tuning car" is held in the city square. "Fleece" lights, engines, spoilers, car music... The noise of the engine, the smell of gasoline, the loud music of a beautiful girl.
Prelepo letnje veče u starom gradu na glavnom trgu pravo je mesto za izlozbu. Stare zgrade istorijski spomenici odaju posebnu draž zajedno sa automobilima. Veliki broj gradjana znatiželjni i ljubitelji automobila i setaci.
A beautiful summer evening in the old town on the main square is the right place for an exhibition. Old buildings, historical monuments give off a special charm together with cars. A large number of curious citizens and car enthusiasts and walkers.
Prava radost bila je za najmladje. Slikanje pored automobila, dodirivanje, smeh i radost.
The real joy was for the youngest. Taking pictures next to the car, touching, laughing and joy.
Sta reci,Italijanska lepota.
What can you say, Italian beauty.
Kako je padala noc, tako su svetla dolazila do izražaja i lepote.
As the night fell, the lights came to the fore and beauty.
Za osveženje pobrinula se ova autotocilica piva.
This beer truck took care of refreshments.
Sada cu da vas malo pustim da uzivate u fotografijama i automobilima.
Now I'll let you enjoy the photos and cars for a while.
I po mom mišljenju najlepsi i najbolji automobil izlozbe.
And in my opinion, the most beautiful and best car of the exhibition.
Toliko ove srede dragi prijatelji, vidimo se sledeće srede kada opet setamo na neko drugačije i zanimljivije mesto.
Pozdrav od Ujka-VS.
That's it for this Wednesday, dear friends, see you next Wednesday when we'll think of a different and more interesting place.
Greetings from Uncle-VS.