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RE: Food, Music, Faith, and Festivities: African Influence on Latin American Culture

in Hive Argentina 🇦🇷last month

Estimado autor, la regla #3 de nuestra comunidad indica que nuestro idioma es el español y debe realizarlo de esa manera. No importa el orden [Esp/Eng] O [Eng/Esp]. Por favor, si es posible edite su publicación.

Gracias por comprender.

Agradecemos su estadía en la comunidad.

Feliz día

Dear author, rule #3 of our community indicates that our language is Spanish and you must do it that way. It does not matter the order [Eng/Eng] OR [Eng/Esp]. Please edit your post if possible.

Thank you for understanding.

We appreciate your stay in the community.

Happy day.


Oh apologies for the mistake, I'll edit and include the Spanish version soon.

Thanks for the correction and apologies once again.

It's worth noting that I've edited and included the Spanish translation, once again apologies for not doing that initially.

Have a wonderful day.

Vale la pena señalar que he editado e incluido la traducción al español, una vez más disculpas por no hacerlo inicialmente.
Que tengan un buen día.