Ojos de Noche (esp) / Eyes of Night

in Blockchain Poets6 months ago (edited)



Buenos días mis queridos lectores hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una de mis viejas poesías, recuerdo cómo hace mucho decidí escribirla tras ver esa mirada, la mirada es sin dudas el espejo del alma y a través de la mirada somos más vulnerables. Me desgarro mi alma al compartirla con ustedes y espero que la aprecien. Los saludo con cordialidad.

Tus ojos color noche me hablaban,
eran palabras verdaderas,
pero eran tan distintas de las que
de tus labios brotaban, no decías.

Y me refugiaba en lo que creías,
la verdad de tus ojos inaguantable,
quería atacarte, besarte, rogarte,
y dolía lo que sentías.

Quería correr detrás de tus pasos,
quería que te fueras lejos,
no decías, pero no lo necesitabas,
quería correr lejos de tus ojos.

Tus ojos color noche te delataban,
y por un momento quise tener
tus ojos en mis manos,
y mis manos dentro de tu cabeza.

Alma de Poeta

Good morning my dear readers today I want to share with you one of my old poems, I remember how long ago I decided to write it after seeing that look, the look is undoubtedly the mirror of the soul and through the look we are more vulnerable. It tears my soul to share it with you and I hope you appreciate it. I greet you with cordiality.

Your night-colored eyes spoke to me.
they were true words,
but they were so different from the ones that
from your lips, you didn't say

And I took refuge in what you believed
the truth of your unbearable eyes,
I wanted to attack you, kiss you, beg you,
and it hurt what you felt.

I wanted to run after your footsteps,
I wanted you to go far away,
you didn't say, but you didn't need it,
I wanted to run away from your eyes.

your night-colored eyes gave you away,
and for a moment I wanted to hold

your eyes in my hands
and my hands inside your head.

Poet's Soul

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

 6 months ago  

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