The Beauty All Around You.

in Blockchain Poets10 months ago (edited)


There's beauty around you if look deeper..
There's so much to live for as well.
The beauty in flowers..
The pretty skies.
Chirping birds make life worth living.

When next you feel like giving up.
Remember the beauty all around you and remember too that tough times never last only tough people do...
Live and don't just exist.

Image is mine.



Good one.

Good mood, and an elevating one in contrast.

Nice exposure.


These are profound words.

 10 months ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

Very motivating and full of life this poem, it helped me in something because I'm not going through the best time to say, thanks for this ♥

Everything will be fine, thank you for your time.