Un día Él me dijo:
- Conéctate conmigo
triple doble v felicidad
el mejor amigo.
Eso me dijo Dios
en un hermoso sueño:
que pusiera en sus manos
mi más preciado empeño.
Desde ese momento
mi vida ha cambiado
caminos abiertos
luceros me ha enviado
A punta de oraciones
nos hemos conquistado
qué dicha, qué emoción
es mi mejor aliado
Mi vida es más grata
mi jardín es más rosado
mis metas ahora brillan
Su cielo me ha prestado
Ahora yo te invito
conéctate conmigo
yo te hago la segunda
con mi mejor amigo
las veinticuatro horas
está siempre disponible
la belleza de su alma
es lo más increíble
Un día el me dijo
conéctate conmigo
fe, amor y paz
siempre serán tu abrigo

One day He told me:
- Connect with me
triple double u happiness
the best friend.
That's what God told me
in a beautiful dream:
that I put in your hands
my most precious endeavor.
Since then
my life has changed
open roads
Luceros has sent me
Through prayers
we have conquered ourselves
what joy, what emotion
is my best ally
My life is more pleasant
my garden is pinker
my goals now shine
Your heaven has lent me
Now I invite you
connect with me
I'll make you the second one
with my best friend
twenty-four hours
is always available
the beauty of your soul
it's the most incredible
One day he told me
connect with me
faith, love and peace
they will always be your shelter
Foto propia tomada con celular Yezz/ Photo of my own taken with Yezz cell phone
The text in Spanish was created without AI The text in English I translated with
Traductor Google

You share a beautiful poem with us, with a lot of light, joy and faith in a being that is omnipotent in invisibility and we feel it in every fiber of our being. Rhyme gives a special touch to your poem.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
Thank you very much rincónpoético7. It was a pleasure for me to share with you this poem full of faith and love . God bless You
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