Very nice. I need to ask you about some of your photos in the future. There was one the other day and I found it fascinating, but I forgot to ask about it. The poem is well written too :)
Very nice. I need to ask you about some of your photos in the future. There was one the other day and I found it fascinating, but I forgot to ask about it. The poem is well written too :)
Which photo from the other day? I don't mind talking about them :)
This one. It looks like it was on a movie set or something. I'm guessing that's your wife in the background, so the circumstances are curious to me.
Nope, this isn't my wife. It was taken in Belgrade, Serbia while on a work trip. They were shooting a commercial for Mini cooper. She is holding a lot of leashes in her hands and there were lots of dogs in the clip too. I have quite a few photos from the production side of it. Sometimes, it is a pleasant surprise what crops up on a walk :)
Ah, okay, that is very cool then! Thanks for the explanation!