Your reply is as intriguing as your poem - the cardinals (double entendre) and canting red-wings.
Those birds are so bad-^ss, they swoop down and kick my husband in the head (or bike helmet) when he bicycles past. They're LOUD, too, like honking cars, warning of an approaching bicyclist.
A vast and invasive grassland - now that is a challenge! Planting trees may be the easiest way to conquer the non-native invasive species. I tried that in our wetlands. 20 years later the reed canary is still a vast monoculture, and the trees (only a few ever grew) were toppled by a derecho.
Great name: Brown Thrashers - do birds have "gangs" the way people do? Blue jays = Bullies....
To my knowledge crows operate in gangs. I've seen barn swallows and tree swallows comingle with dragonflies as they all darted throughout the air above the field. They were all eating small pests.
So many things happening all around us, and we so oblivious to most of it!
So much to see
if only we looked
with open eyes...
@owasco can turn anything into a haiku, but I need more syllables (lazy? me? yes).
no no no!
English haiku uses fewer syllables.
3 to 4
4 to 6
3 to 4
That one is perfecto!
De ja vous - last year you helped me sort out a haiku about opening our eyes to see the beauty of a "drab" gray, wet day. I should be able to find this.... should.... thank you for all your inspiration and coaching, Haike Master Owasco!
I have a recording of about 50 seconds of the brown thrasher; it was the bird that woke me up and I thought "Wow there must be several birds outside my window." Nope, it has several different songs.