Dear Diary

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago (edited)

Dear Diary,

it's me again with words to put down,
Am glad I have you,
You hold my words, my secret desire,
My fears, my emotions, my dreams, my hope, and my deepest thoughts.
Yet not uttered,
A great friend you are indeed.

Lately been with an amazing new friend.
More similarities than differences between us,
Which can't be described with simple words.
Once felt special and promised not to feel it again,
But there's a strange magic in the chemistry,
Every night hasn't been the same as others,
Because every night with him feels different.

It's crazy how time flies when he is on a call,
His voice may seem bold but magical to me,
Could call him a thousand names,
But within me, I feel not too special to call him.
Am feeling lost and still feeling like I'm okay,
Am lost between my feelings and obsession,
Yea, I am confused.
He is filling up this gap that's always opened,
And I am happy though.

At times I felt like crying,
Cause it hurts watching myself love again,
Even when all odds have been against me,
But I just got to do it.

Can't say what his eyes do to me always,
Looks like am seeing the sunrise in his eyes,
And the best melody comes from his voice,
As he tells me the best morning greetings.
His personality dazzles me each moment,
Always ready for fun and crazy adventures,
Always ready to put a smile on my face.
OMG, it was so unexpected.

Though I find it difficult to express my feeling,
But here you are dairy,
You always got me on that.




Verses full of love shaped with the pen of feeling.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thanks for always reading and commenting on my poems, am grateful.

There are things that we find difficult to explain and verbalize that we end up writing them... to savor the unsaid feelings. :) This is lovely...

At times I felt like crying,
Cause it hurts watching myself love again,
Even when all odds have been against me,
But I just got to do it.

This is so relatable. It's scary to see ourselves love again because we become vulnerable when we do... but we can't help it. :)

Well written, thanks dear.