A CORPSE THAT ... (darker poetry series 1)

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago

A Corpse, That Fucks

a corpse, that fucks,
was telling of infinity
and we laughed

we were all a corpse, fucking,
speaking of countless infinities,
as if we sought ourselves within them

and the laughter was for love,
for our naive illusion of greatness
in the spark of smallness

download - 2023-11-19T151319.007.jpg

Truplo, ki seksa

truplo, ki seksa,
je pripovedovalo o neskončnosti
in mi smo se smejali

vsi smo bili truplo, ki seksa,
pripovedovali smo o neštetih neskončnostih,
kot da bi se iskali v njih

in smeh je bil za ljubezen,
za našo naivno iluzijo veličine
v iskrici majhnosti

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You know how hard is to get anyone to read your poetry ...

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