I'm glad you decided to join me on** a journey through poetry**. I'm revisiting/rewriting some of my old(er) poetry + trying to translate it as best as I can.
Always in the mood for feedback/critique and general talk about poetry. Feel free to comment below, much appreciated. 😇
Če mi daš / If you give me
if you give me
your fragile bones
your bone marrow
the saltiness of your tears
the stickiness of your saliva
if you give me
your dead cells
your pain
fluttering of life
the nearness of exhale
if you give me
yourself on the altar
yourself to the bottom
vulnerable lastness
of still your flesh
if you give me
I take
– I take you
nothing in return
but the void of immortality
Če mi daš / If you give me (slovene)
če mi daš
svoje krhke kosti
svoj kostni mozeg
slanost svojih solz
lepljivost sline
če mi daš
svoje odmrle celice
svojo bolečino
trzanje življenja
bližino izdiha
če mi daš
sebe na oltarju
sebe do dna
ranljivo zadnjost
še zares tvojega mesa
če mi daš
– si te vzamem
nič v zameno
nesmrtnosti praznino
Yours truly, yours creepily - creeptor
Great poem, I loved that play on words that you used for your writing, it is always better to give than to receive and if it is a special person, much more, good job my friend ♥
Beautiful swirling verses in a fancy jar with hundreds of colors shimmering, waiting to be jewels.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.