Changes come
The air stirs
Rain falls
Trees grow
In a constant cycle.
We inflict
We abuse
We use
And cultivate
And restore
And improve
But nature goes on
In a constant cycle.
How vain are we to think
We can make a difference
We can undo what flows on
Forever like an infinite river
Nature adapts
But we the arrogant
Think we can't.
I hope you have enjoyed my poem in response to the Blockchain Poet's prompt Mother Nature. "Mother Nature" also happens to be one of my NFTs for sale which you can purchase by clicking the link below the photo above.
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Good thoughts to ponder. Thanks for your words.
But eventually we do, who are we to refuse to flow with the tide.
Yep, either we adapt or we are forced to. Can't really escape the laws of nature unfortunately.
The word choice of this poem suited the tone very well. For me, it evokes memories of past events that make me reflect on different possibilities that 'could have been'.
Life is definitely a cycle.