

Choking and gagging on nervous spit,
I'm going to the gallows,
My soul cannot endure it,
God must know,
That this is too much,
I'm going to die
Removed from the touch
Of the one who promised to be
My beloved.

What is it I have done?
To deserve this fate
For her away to run
And leave me in this state?
God can give me grace
And mercy with Him I'll see
But I must run this race
Condemned I am to be
Without my beloved.


This was written at a pretty dark point in my life. I don't remember if it was before or after my second time putting a noose around my neck and miraculously changing my mind (the first time I gagged, the second time a song snapped me back to reality) but the gallows is still such a scary image to me looking back at that time. I'm glad to be through all of that....





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Your poem is relatable and real @driptorchpress. It's really painful when someone who you felt will stay with you forever leaves all of a sudden.

But it's experiences like this that makes us who we are today. I am of the opinion that a poet can only write a great poem on a subject he/she has experienced, that's why your poem is a amazing one that touches the heart.

I believe you will soon met an awesome person, who will fill that gap and even more. Thank you for this poem @driptorchpress.

Do you have a preference of digital vs paper?

Honestly, I don't have a preference, just depends on my mood. Paper is nice to slow down my thoughts, but digital is good for getting things out in a way I can share (and read, my handwriting is atrocious!).

I will say I prefer a computer keyboard to a phone, but I rarely use one since I'm always on the go.

God always gives you grace