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RE: The Blossoms Remain ~ Haiku of Japan

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

This is a really nice poem, but I thought a haiku is supposed to be 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables on the three consecutive lines of the piece. It doesn't look like this followed that pattern.
That aside, I like the concept.
I also wrote a haiku about a month ago in a poetry club meeting. They provided us an audio prompt and we were asked to speed-write. I wrote about a samurai and his hungry to perfection. That was my first haiku so it was a bit of a challenge being so strict with the syllables I use, but I enjoyed the experience.
Thanks for sharing.


That's the stereotype, in in truth there are multiple haiku schools which we might group into "modern" and "traditional". One follows a strict syllable count and the other doesn't.

Okay. This is interesting.
I'll definitely go back and do some more research into the structure of haikus.