Yoga in the AM

You are always there for fun

Like a black spot after staring at the sun

Like a tiny beacon of hope

I could hear your whispers

Showing me things

Like those I've never known

Rivers flowing from one drop of rain

As my heart aches with so much pain

You're not in my arms

You're not even in my sight

You're my first and last thought at night

Looking at your legs to your hair

It's skipped a beat and my heart is bare

In your hands like a vice squeezing hard

For you, I'd play any of my reserved cards

Not much if anything I hide from you

not many hours apart we spend but maybe a few

Sleep is long, lonely but luckily only for a few

waiting for mornings waking up next to you

The day is still so far off, yet waiting's not that hard

The price is well worth the wait at any length.

For you there's no limit I wouldn't wait

No price I wouldn't pay, forever is not far away.


I felt a change in mood from the beginning to end, like a positive contrasted to a negative and the feeling got darker but then reversed and ended positively

Yes, it's a hard long distance relationship. It doesn't have to be but we are doing it on purpose for now. It sucks but it's making desire so much deeper and knowledge of each other much deeper too, so not all is lost

I read this and feel it could be written about a person you are already with, or someone you long to be with… not fully clear, but either way i dig it.