BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Injustice

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

Hello again everyone.. it's time for another prompt. 😀

Last week's prompt is Daydream. If you didn't get a chance to write a piece for this prompt, feel free to have a go and give us some awesome poetry.

Now onto this week's business...

Your prompt is: Injustice

  1. Absence of justice, a violation of right or of the rights of another
  2. An unjust act

I am quite sure that many of you have faced, or witnessed an injustice that you or someone familiar to you faced. Life can be unfair at times, and all we can do is rise above such injustices in our lives.

Have a great summer everyone. 😃

Prompt for the week of June 1st - June 7th

Let your keyboard or quill, pen or pencil.. crayon.. or whatever you like to express yourself with, do the talking. Put down some killer lines of poetry, and share your awesome works with the community and the world.

That's about all for this week. Looking forward to catching up this week, and reading some cool writing. 😀

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Post by: @inthenow