We have no record of a verification with us submitted by anyone.
I can't open the link.
To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the Hive blog in your Instagram profile?
I need a link in your Instagram profile, please.
You could just write the word "hive" in it.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Thank you.
More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup-
Not with you, but with the Hive Cuba community, yes. She is an active member (which I introduced) for over a year.
The link she left must be opened with the Instagram app or being logged on Instagram.
Con ustedes no, pero ante la comunidad de Hive Cuba sí. Es una miembro activa (a la cuál yo introduje) desde hace más de un año.
El enlace que ella dejó deben abrirlo con la app de Instagramo habiendo iniciado sesión en Instagram
I put my link of ecency there, but Instagram don't recognize links. They identify users and for that reason that referrence to another user inside Instagram with the @meli00. Is not my interest do that soy I delete the link.
You can see my stories where I put my content in Hive
All my content is original, but is the link above doesn't satisfy you I will not take out more of my time of creating, working or studying to prove you who I am. Thanks for your work and have a nice days.
As we mentioned, you could just write the word "hive" in it.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm seeing it in the profile.
We don't use a mobile phone to interact with Hieveians. The type of content that you link is unavailable to anyone using a browser.
You must be logged on Instagram to be able to see stories.
We don't use a mobile phone to interact with Hieveians. This type of content is unavailable to anyone using a browser.