Yo Soy Así. [ESP-ENG]


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¡Hola! Muy buenos días, tardes y noches para toda la comunidad de Hive, espero que estén teniendo un gran martes. A continuación les comparto este nuevo poema en esta genial comunidad como lo es Blockchain Poets, este escrito lleva por nombre Yo Soy Así, este poema lo escribí a finales de abril del año 2020, a partir de ahora empezare a publicar mis poemas viejos, la inspiración para escribirlo en aquel tiempo porque he cometido muchos errores a lo largo de mi vida pero siempre hay segundas oportunidades para mejorar y tratar de ser una mejor persona en el futuro y ser ejemplo para las futuras generaciones y bueno de ahí la inspiración para escribirlo, pero bueno espero con ansias sus comentarios y que por supuesto les guste mucho.

Hello! Very good morning, afternoon and evening to all the Hive community, I hope you are having a great Tuesday. Next I share with you this new poem in this great community as it is Blockchain Poets, this writing is named Yo Soy Así, I wrote this poem at the end of April 2020, from now on I will start publishing my old poems, the inspiration to write it at that time because I have made many mistakes throughout my life but there are always second chances to improve and try to be a better person in the future and be an example for future generations and well from there the inspiration to write it, but well I look forward to your comments and of course you like it very much.



Soy así: peco y me arrepiento,
Como todos los seres humanos en este planeta,
Mi alma es un barco abierto,
Entre los mares más furiosos.

Para todos: bienvenidos y no llamados,
Muchos vientos aún desconocidos,
Algunos curan bastantes heridas,
Otros duelen una y otra vez.

Soy así: vivo y disfruto como si no hubiera mañana,
Así como la mayor parte del mundo,
Siempre confiando en Dios para tener muchas bendiciones,
Y creyendo en los sueños de la mente.

Muchas veces me equivoco en palabras y personas,
Pero valoro a la familia y el respeto,
Simplemente soy así peco y me arrepiento,
Y nuevamente vivo y disfruto la vida al máximo.


I am like that: I sin and I repent,
Like all human beings on this planet,
My soul is an open boat,
Among the raging seas.

To all: welcome and uncalled,
Many winds yet unknown,
Some heal enough wounds,
Others hurt again and again.

I am like this: live and enjoy as if there were no tomorrow,
So does most of the world,
Always trusting in God for many blessings,
And believing in the dreams of the mind.

Many times I am wrong in words and people,
But I value family and respect,
I'm just the way I sin and repent,
And again I live and enjoy life to the fullest.


Reciban ustedes abundancia de misericordia, paz y amor.

Judas 1:2

May you receive abundance of mercy, peace and love.

Jude 1:2


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Muchas gracias por tomar parte de tu tiempo en leer esto en verdad que estoy muy contento, si te gusto déjame un comentario y ayúdame a compartirlo para que llegue a más personas que a ti no te cuesta nada y a mí me ayudaría muchísimo.

Thank you very much for taking part of your time to read this, I am very happy, if you like it, leave me a comment and help me to share it so it can reach more people, it doesn't cost you anything and it would help me a lot.

Este poema y muchos más los puedes encontrar en mi página web ☺♥

This poem and many more you can find on my website ☺♥

Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

Dios los bendiga a todos. | God bless you all.

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To sin is simple but to repent is very difficult. But it takes the grace of God to repent of sin as a chosen one. The Lord is our strength.

To sin is simple but to repent is very difficult. But it takes the grace of God to repent of sin as a chosen one. The Lord is our strength.

Very much agree with your comment friend, God is our strength and as long as we are with him, all will be well, thanks for reading my post, Blessings ☺

You are welcome.

Nice short confession. I also like the image you have chosen for it. I think we are sometimes dissapointed by events and people and, as you said, we still have to live life to the fullest, so moving on and trusting again and again people.

Nice short confession. I also like the image you have chosen for it. I think we are sometimes dissapointed by events and people and, as you said, we still have to live life to the fullest, so moving on and trusting again and again people.

Hi, sorry for replying late this comment :c is so try to live more without thinking about who will say and above all to be happy, thanks for stopping by my writing, Blessings @maylenasland

No worries. Have a great time ahead! 💗