
Are you going to sit,
and watch your dreams wither away?
Are you going to sit,
or rise and pull the bull by its horn?
Are you going to sit,
or stand and invest in blissful decisions?

Are you entangled with the past?
A reminiscence of a disheartening story.
To break free and obliviate such memory
Labour yourself beyond the ordinary
and bid solace adieu.

Work to live,
live to survive,
survive and succeed,
and success will be an eternal feat.


@kelvinpeters Yes, survival is a necessity, but the true essence of life is found in those moments when we allow ourselves to enjoy, learn and grow. We should not just survive, but look for ways to thrive emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Work is a fundamental part. However, I believe there is additional beauty in finding a balance between work and truly living life.


I understand you well. Thanks anyways.