A Poem for the Sorceress Queen

in Blockchain Poets17 hours ago

On the morning bright and early,
I hear the wheels and hoofs on cobblestones,
I know my queen is near.
Aside the curtains drawn reveal the maiden fair,
High lady gliding from the mountain air
With the sound of trumpets blaring
Her face divine among the flowers.

A carriage drawn by speedy steeds
That leave behind their scent of power,
Dashing in vermilion hues and colours-
Oh, my queen! Beside my window floating,
Glowing with her beauty-laden aura
Of governance and splendour.

Sunbeams cross the sky and through my window fall
Onto colourful mosaics on the wall.
All is bright and cheery
My heart is light and merry
My brain is free from worry,
Now that I hear her trumpet call.

As the morning light burns off the cobwebs that remain,
I brew a lively cup to brood the day ahead.
Think of my sovereign and nothing else
So I may better serve her kingdom,
With strength and honour at her behest-
Distill my art and craft to guard against the evils
That threaten her domain;
This shall be my only thought throughout the day
Until my head, I lay it down to rest.

Girl and Flowers.png

Image generated by @litguru using Generative Art software


Beautiful harmonious poem and an intense look in the accompanying image.