A burdened soul, seeking flight
Away from pain, away from strife
Yearning for a different kind of life
the shocks and tremors; a new thing,
A life where hope and love abide,
Where thoughts of suicide subside.
A battle fought but never gone,
A war within, a constant fight
For a glimmer of hope, for the light.
A warmth that soothes, a flame that grows;
It burns with an intensity so great
That it threatens to seal one's fate.
A spark of hope, a flicker of dreams;
The fire may rage, but hope survives
And with it, a chance for a new life.
If you liked the poem above, drop me a line below in the comments section!
check out my GALLEA online art gallery page HERE
or visit my website: lavipicu.com.
Lavi Picu is an interdisciplinary artist, currently residing in Montreal, Canada. She is an emerging visual artist who uses painting and poetry as alternative forms of self expression as well as pain management therapy for Lyme disease. She is also the author of four soulful collections of poetry.
Nice verse! 🙂🌈
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your feedback! 😊
This part made me remember a difficult time in the year 2021. I felt no hope and no love. Only depression and anxiety consumed me and made me want to end my life then and there. But reading that line, it made me think, if hope and love were to exist that time, I would've not experienced that pain and regret of wanting to die.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Sometimes we find hope and love in the most unexpected times or places, usually they find us, cause by that time we've all given up on them.
Keep writing your poetries here, its beautiful. :)
The war is indeed a constant fight but within is a gleams of light. Your poem speaks life, a wonderful one there
If everything in life would be in a straight line, without ups and downs, perhaps we won't be able to appreciate it at its true value.
That's true