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RE: Conform (original poem)

Regret doesn't exist, as we cannot turn back
When a step is given, that door is closed
Come on forward, and put up your iron shoes
Maybe they'll be so heavy to keep you grounded, I tell myself in the light of day.

Just as above, regret doesn't exist because it causes more regrets, but I'd hope the iron shoes won't hold us back because it purpose is to make up stronger.

Nice poem 👍


I think that It is a challenge to live under that philosophy without crossing the line of being impulsive, but rather confident, strong-minded, and determined.
I very much appreciate your kind words and Input. I wish you the best.Hi @martinlazizi! The thought behind the iron shoes goes way back in time. My grandpa used to say to me that I always have to “give iron steps' ', by this he meant that I should stick to my opinions and decisions, and keep going forward without second-guessing, overthinking much, or even less stopping to be regretful.

That's a great philosophy.