Se busca un país

Para los desprotegidos
de fronteras indecisas,
aquellos que llevan un país adentro
y que en mitad del desierto,
se convirtieron en cenizas.
Se busca un país para vivir
no importa que sea grande o pequeño,
que permita mirar al cielo
agradecer y sonreír.
Que sea casa donde descansar
luego de la errancia infinita,
que quede lejos o cerquita,
un país donde poder soñar.
Que en los ojos donde se miren
vean la palabra bienvenida,
que no lo humillen, que no lo juzguen
por el traje raído que le dejó la herida
Se busca un país,
luego de la dolorosa despedida,
Aunque como en los amores
tu antiguo país
sea por siempre,
a pesar de todo,
el amor de tu vida.

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A country is sought
For the unprotected
of undecided borders,
those who carry a country inside
and who in the middle of the desert
turned to ashes.
You are looking for a country to live in
no matter if it is big or small,
that allows us to look at the sky
to be thankful and smile.
That is a home where to rest
after infinite wandering,
far away or near,
a country where to dream.
That in the eyes where they look at each other
they see the word welcome,
that they do not humiliate him, that they do not judge him
by the tattered suit left by the wound.
A country is sought,
after the painful farewell,
Though as in love
your old country
is forever,
in spite of everything,
the love of your life.
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East, west, home is best.
That's right
I have always thought that it is an injustice to put borders on our beloved land, we should have the right to go wherever we please, looking for that wonderful land what we deserve.
Beautiful verses dedicated to all immigrants.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.