
in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

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The love I have for you is unconditional
You make me speak the language of love like vernacular
I look at you with the eye of deep love spectacular
This is nothing new for I have always shown you and never acted irrational
The love I have for you has no bound
If I am given another chance I will lift you off the ground
And show you heart warming romance that no amount can buy, even million of pounds
Forever in my heart my darling, your love will always abound
The love I have for you is very sincere
It's deeper than Romeo and Juliet...and smarter than Sinclair
You have nothing to fear
Because by your side I would always be near
The love I have for you cannot be compared
For the event of your heart's love, I want to be your only compere
To anything in this world your love brought me to paradise
That I want to live in forever as I behold your whole being to myself
The love I have for you is more than beautiful
I have seen you to be my only paradise
With you in my life it's like a dream of ecstasy
I want everyday to be with you and I living in our fantasy
Our world carved out with only us enjoying each other's company


I love writing things off my head...trying to convey the emotions and feelings of others especially when I see love birds. I took a stroll this evening and everything just make sense...seeing lovers walk hand in hand...sitting near the coffee shops and talking a stroll too. It's just a beautiful weather to see such lovely souls out there. Too bad I didn't take any pictures but I absorbed the moment...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


I love your idea of love and we all feel differently. Love is hard to express sometimes when it comes from the heart. It's a sudden rush of emotions that gives such a great feeling that words can be lost in translation when we try to define it. This is a good poem.

Love is a great and deep feeling which we all feel differently. It's personal and it should be embraced too. Love is beautiful.

You are right, many times when we are very closed people or we have been hurt a lot is a little difficult to express our love for others, love is what moves the world and you have to give much of it, hug friend @gingerup

A heart that has been hurt finds it hard to love. I still recommend love for a broken heart because that's what heals faster.

It saddens the heart when we give out love and get hurt in return but that doesn't mean that we won't love again. Love doesn't hurt, it is human that hurts one another but I am certain that love heals.

A heart that has been hurt finds it hard to love. I still recommend love for a broken heart because that's what heals faster.

Right, no matter how many difficult situations have happened to us the answer to everything in the end is love, because love + love equals more love and being reciprocal with that ♥

That's the point... Love breaks the heart if we are unfortunate but then sadly, it takes only love to heal those hearts😅.

What a situation we found ourselves in

It is indeed a wonderful poem, we all have different ways of expressing our love and nothing beats confessing it for those who truly understands the message.

Hmm, Deep! It's truly hard to express in some ways and situations.

You could love to an extent where finding the perfect words to describe your feelings might seem as though it never existed.

You might encounter love in the most beautiful way such that the most enticing words might not even be sufficient to express how you actually feel.

Love is a lot deeper than we think it to be

Truth is that when love as a topic is put up for discussion, you will lack words to describe what you feel if you are genuinely in love.
This is because Love knows no bounds
We can only try but we can't fully grasp and explain the mystery behind loves... It just comes and we feel elated even in our worst moments

Love knows no bounds, I agree. But I've been in a situation where I've tried praising/thanking someone who did something I never expected, something too great that I couldn't find the exact, perfect words to thank him.

I did find some words that were close to but still, I felt they weren't just enough. I felt he did something so great that he deserved a word more perfect than the words I used, and yet, such words seemed inexistent. That's what happens when someone is really special to you.

It's just like saying you can find a right word to praise or qualify God's greatness. Sometimes we get short of words for someone who we feel he/she has done so much that the best of words in the dictionary aren't just enough.

That's the point my primary school teacher will always hold on to and tell us that , "English Language is not complete"

Guess what?

She is right because if it were complete, we won't find it hard looking for the perfect words to describe our emotions.

I feel the wordings to fully express our emotions be it love or hate us indeed lacking in the English version of language.

That is why we should say the much we can with the vocabulary we have and then do the rest by our actions

By the way...,Actions they say speaks louder than voice

A sudden rush of feelings.... That's what love presents us with.

An unexplainable feeling that surmounts our thinkings and flushes down our nucleus accumbens with dopaminergic hormones... hehehe

Hmmm ola want to kill me with love 💕 o
And I keep reading and it get deep more and more and at the end I don't want the dose to finish.

Anyways when you are with the right person love will be sweeter than honey
When you find the right one everything seems like a poem

When that right person stay with you nothing else matters all you want to see is his or her beautiful face

I love tonight's dose 💕

Hahahaha let me injure you with love...let me fill your head with it too. Love is to be cherished and embraced too. Thanks a lot, boo.

No matter what we have been through in the hands of other humans, things change the moment we find love.

It posses the power to heal the heart and it doesn't do otherwise.

Love is so powerful it can melt the hardest of hearts. True love.

That's why sometimes it can be tricky to involve oneself in a lover's quarrel. Or to even give advice. Love can turn the most intelligent people into fools. 😅

"Anyways when you are with the right person love will be sweeter than honey
When you find the right one everything seems like a poem"

When you're with the right one, life would seem so easy and sweet! There would be no regrets.

I guess this why our bleeding pen is so enthusiastic about "love." You can't enjoy consistently writing on something you don't have.

Indeed, love is sweeter than honey✨

but I absorbed the moment...

This is one great thing about love.... It doesn't end with the persons directly involved but rather it radiates to every other living creature around there.

Love is everything good

Great poetry display once more

It doesn't end with those in it but the observers see how love is and how it can be for everyone. It's beautiful.

Sure.... It surely is😅

Love is truly for everyone and that's why wherever it is allowed, there is always happiness, joy and goodness. Love doesn't reside in a place of hate.

Never at all.... Love comes in and overshadows all hate.

It is for everyone to feel the impact... No wonder people run around to get girlfriends and feel the love they watch over the movies and their friends display 🤣😊

Indeed, the ability of love to radiate makes it unique and the master of all feelings.

It could be felt by literally every single soul.

It's a feeling, and feelings do transmit from one person to another.
Sometimes, we just go out for a walk or a drink just to observe people, sceneries, and the environment.

Seeing people display love and affection on the walk way, restaurants, and waiting spots is enough to make you happy and put on a smile. That's why sometimes, when you've had a bad day, just go out for a walk and you'll be surprised how you'll come back a happy man

Feelings do transmit my brother.....

That's why i am always happy seeing you and your babe😍

You portrays the Romeo's trait .. it's remaining the Juliet, I think Sal will be a suitable, Juliet😂

Very nice poem, many times when I go out to exercise I go through the park and I always observe the love in the air, I am one of those who think that love is what moves the world in general not only express it to a specific person but to all around us with good actions, greeting and being attentive in every way, a great poem as always my friend, I love your perception ♥

Love makes the world go round and makes it such an enjoyable ride too which is good. Thanks a lot, my friend. I always enjoy reading from you.

Love makes the world go round and makes it such an enjoyable ride too which is good. Thanks a lot, my friend. I always enjoy reading from you.

The feeling is mutual my dear, I also enjoy reading you very much because I learn from you when writing new poems, and going back to the writing, love is practically everything for the human being, blessings my friend ♥

Love indeed is what moves the world... It's just that it's yet to find its footing in all nooks and crannies of the world because when it does, there will be no need dying again as the earth will be heaven-alike

Love is dynamic. Love is actually the foundation upon which life was supposed to be built on, until it got disrupted by the devil to an extent.

I guess I'm not the only one who goes out to observe this beautiful feeling amongst individuals going about their normal, usual routine.

It's actually a beautiful sight to behold. It can make or change your day. I guess we're all living witnesses to this💯🤗

First of all I thought it was a rapper lyrics to a songs I was reading because of the lyrics on the roll but I remember it was brother post I was reading, I like the way you combine the words together to form something meaning, I'm definitely going to copy and paste it to my. This should win her heart easily

Hahaha I love using rhymes and that's why some of the poems can go for songs for anyone who wants to rap or sing with it. I write with that in mind.

Thanks a lot.

Bros, maybe make you just write one complete song, try enter studio... he go bami

Hehehe.... So I heard .

It's now poems that are used for getting loves nowadays... This is the second time I'm hearing this.

I'm beginning to think of taking up classes Sir 🤣

Sweet words is one of the tricks I guess though, that part of been romantics with your words

I understand man😂

Rappers lyrics 😅😅😅

This love thing is just the best oo. I wish I had someone too that I can copy and paste this to.

Omo I'm happy for you dear😅

Ah ah, zita zita, just copy and paste it to me.... don’t worry Ehn, I will Awwn Awwn like 1000000 times


If you say so

Ehn ehn now but I still chose to not believe that fine dark skin girl like
You don’t have anybody to copy and paste it too


My brother, you better believe it oo😅😅
Not all of us are blessed like you

Ah, be like say my imagination for my oga post don make you Dey think otherwise..... we are blessed but relationship wise Imthoping I will be blessed my sister

I like the fact that you can make peotry from real life experiences and occurences. The feeling "love" is indeed a very beautiful one, especially in it's early stage. It feels like the world revolves only around the two love birds and that very cute if you ask me.

This was an amazing piece ✨

It's beautiful and more so, your comment. I love your comment and how you fully understood the poem and broke it down. You absolutely nailed it. Thanks a lot for this.

I'm glad I got the right meaning of the poem.

Do have a splendiferous day ✨

Hehehe... Why did you make the emphasis on "early stage", you think love wears out based on the amount of time we've spent with our loved ones?

What are your reasons though?

Because personally I don't feel so but I would love to hear from you regardless.

You know that the adrenaline rush and the feelings and all are always so intense in the early stage (on the surface). You see the person and you love the hell out of the person, but as the partners get to know each other and adapt, the love bond grows deeper. They work based on the bond and not just the surface feelings.

Oh... That's a better view then because if our love depreciates, then we really need to ask ourselves questions

It should always be on the increase

Exactly, if it depreciates then there's a high possibility that someone is loosing feelings

Your emphasis on "love" is just amazing 🥺

Are a relationship expert? Cause I feel if you're not, you should really dive into it.

I can imagine a love deeper than that of Romeo and Juliet. I don't know if we could still see such level of love in this generation, I'm just saying though.

I really love your write-ups, it's relatable and engaging.

Beautiful ♥️✨

Hahaha.... He's a poet, a blogger and now another duty calls, Relationship expert, hehehe.
How much is your consultation form let's keep the ministry flowing?😂😂.

Sure his write-ups are always engaging, it springs up more Engagement and that's why I always love his topics, hehehe.

Well, our generation has got you MJ to show us a love greater than that of Romeo's, lol

Have a nice day brother

Speaking about relationship is my forte and it's what I enjoy talking about the most. Glad you recognized that so quickly. Thank you so much.

Many times, I wonder what like would look like without love. It is absolutely nothing and I have understood why it is the greatest commandment.

Aside from the feelings between couples, love is the missing recipe in the world and if we can let is genuinely flow, the world will be on it way to becoming a better place.

There's no doubt it was emphasized,
"Love your creator, God"

"Love also your neighbor just the way your father in heaven loves you"

This world is as chaotic as it is because there is no love.
The world is filled with greed where everyone never wants to sacrifice for anybody at all... Everybody wants to go first and no one wants to leave a spot for his brother.

Imagine a world where we considered everyone before we do what we want to do and always express our rights not impeding on the rights of others, the world will certainly be a heaven on earth

If everyone in the world can approach one another with love in their heart, we will be on our way to making the world a better place.

Love is the simplest thing to but we are just to concerned about ourselves and don't care about fellow humans.

That's just it ... Hopefully we will keep getting better as the day goes by

Love makes everything go round and make life enjoyable. Love is really what makes everything better. A heart filled with love helps and a heart that preaches romance makes another heart leap for joy too. We all want to feel special...and rightly so.

We all do, the feel is irresistible when it is real and one we always crave for.

Happy Sunday sir.

Love is a beautiful thing... Poets are never short of words or ink when it comes to love. It's like it holds everything ❤❤❤❤

Thanks for such a lovely writeup

I think it is because love is a very relatable emotion. And it exists everywhere, in different forms.

You can find love within yourself, when you do, things that will improve yourself, you can find it in between people, family members and friends.

And everyone has had a brush with love in their lifetime. There is a lot to say when it comes to love🌹

I love how poets bring words to life and make us feel things deeply. I am glad this poetry reflects that. It means a lot. Thank you.

Honestly... I've noticed it.

It just seems as if poetry was made for love alone ..

Most poets have once or twice in their career exploited love as a topic and their ink never rubs dry as you said.

Love really is a beautiful thing I must agree

This is so intimate, I felt like I was intruding into a lover's privacy.
The emotions are raw and can be felt very purely.

I wish I had the talent required to produce such a great literary piece just from observing lover birds doing their thing.

Nice one ☺️

Hahaha it's okay to intrude as long as it inspires your heart to love all over again too. It's a good feeling. Thank you so much. I believe you can produce such when it comes deep from the heart. Thanks a lot, Zita... You see... Zitalove... A preacher of love...a love human haha.

The comparison to Romeo and Juliet in 'It's deeper than Romeo and Juliet...and smarter than Sinclair' is just brilliant. It shows how love transcends even the most famous examples of romance in literature, and is something truly unique and special.
Keep Up the good work!

Thank you so much for this. I am glad you enjoyed that too. Yes, it's deeper, unique and special...felt differently and deeper. I'm glad to have you here.

Love is truly a beautiful thing and a heart with it is empty. It gentle, compassionate, caring and the best feeling in the world.

Amazingly written dear! I like your viewpoint towards love; and I believe love is the best thing of all.

It's indeed the best thing. It's capable of healing and lifting. Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed it too.

You are most welcome...

I just loved the word's selection you did for expressing your thoughts and emotions.I really liked it

I love playing with words...rhymes and giving words deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. Thanks a lot.

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Thank you...thank you...

When we are in love, everything is beautiful, it is the time when we remain happy for a longer period of time, but afterward, I better not say anything else haaaaaa.
A hug :)