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RE: Ruth and Ruthlessness, seven tiny poems

in Blockchain Poets8 months ago

You write marvelous poems everyday, and your photos are just as fabulous. Talk about quality! Yours is top notch! Creative writing is not really supported here.

For all the talk, and downvoting, about improving quality on this blockchain, only members of certain clubs can really earn, and often just for posting a sexy photo of their girlfriends. That's not why I came here, or why I remain.

I'm here for the contact with fellow creative writers, artists, gardeners, and thinkers. If I didn't have this place, I'd be starving for contact of that type, given the hillbilly town I live in now.


That’s what keeps me here too, needing a place to share what I do freely, easily, and on my own terms. I’m not very good about reaching and participating, but I need a place to share what it is that I do.

There are a lot of great people in the same position, and it’s very exciting when you finally find them.

Yes, so exciting. I have what I consider to be close friends here. I learn so much from the different cultural perspectives. Yours included of course. Your western foundation living in a Japanese culture is very palatable to me. Enriching. How sad to have only twitter or FB as your social media! I do neither of those; there was too much rage there for my taste, not enough joy.