I am not a wise fool.

in Blockchain Poets3 days ago



I am not a wise fool.

I am not a wise fool
I am foolishly wise.

Starting up a road of life in oxymoron run
Thinking I know what I was doing like an elderly nun.

Never knew the universe will teach you as you know nothing about a gun.

I was a wise fool running a run
I was injured on the feet running for gun.

I am now foolishly wise
not wisely foolish.

As now I know nothing about run
I don't know what I am doing near the sun
I am just here writing a pun
As I am learning from the universe's nun.

Now I am foolishly wise to know I don't have to just run
I just have to leave in now and have fun
As I Walk up on life oxymoron run.

I am not a wise fool
I am foolishly wise