My bad habits as Liability

in Blockchain Poets2 days ago



My bad habits as Liability 
My mad hobbies as passivity.

Trying to hold on to you as baggage
But you keep pulling me down in like age.

I do not want to go down
I do not want to rant to the clown.

As it will keeps laughing
As I will keep getting frustrating.

My bad habit as Liability
My mad hobbies as passivity.

I am ashamed of you
I am not proud of you.

You never adds to me
You never positively influence me.

Why am I so addicted to your ways?
Why am I so attached to your ways?

My bad habits as Liability
My mad hobbies as passivity.

Those are years of regrets
Those are by gone budgets.

So to by gone
Flow to buy fun.

As I have quited you
As I have left you.

My bad habits as Liability
My mad hobbies as passivity

The Liability crowning
Others in frowning.

 23 hours ago  

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