I've already alienated you

in Blockchain Poets4 months ago


A internal discussion about the loss of the impulse to write and the warmth of blankets

I’ve run out of things to say
to say?
to say
to say
I have no ability to write
so, I repeat
yes words
I am worn
you’re worn
it’s gone
what’s gone?
that spark
a spark?
a spark
that thing
a specific thing?
a definite thing
like I said a spark
a flicker?
a spark
a candle lit in a dark room casting light upon the grey matter of my brain
does it shine?
not anymore
but there’s always a glimmer of hope?
that glimmer on the edges of paper just about to burst into light
yes, that one
that one
the red glowing on the end of the wick ready to burst into flame
the warmth that grows from you when you snuggle in your blankets on a cold night
yes, yes that

think about activities around writing layout research edit delete

Image created in Dalle3 AI generator from a prompt created by the author

 4 months ago  

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