Apparently, an object of conquest
but back in the edgy ought’s
there was a website that was called
something like Middle aged men that look like lesbians
perhaps dated now
the older you get the more you look like a lesbian
and that’s not to do lesbians a disservice
and they were right you do look very feme
it’s distinctive on you
I suggest you take some sartorial, elegant pointers
from the Top Twins
you wear the same uniform as your thugs
but somehow you always look like a
cross between dancing Elon Musk and a drag queen
yeah, you flick that hair Brian
and what an unmasculine name is Brian
Brians aren’t butch their nerdy little incels that wish they were
I bet you were the object of conquest
and unfortunately for New Zealand you never
got over it
perhaps you should wear high heels
at least you’d be taller.
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