Coffee aroma, woman’s flavor.

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago

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Versión en español.

Aroma de café, sabor de mujer,
fría brisa del amanecer,
en el jardín florece un verdor,
bajo el cielo llega el invierno,
la brisa me acerca a ella.

En los recodo de la noche
la luz se hace fuego,
el aroma de su cuerpo,
el sabor de sus caricias me aprisionan.

Un tintero lleno de palabras
un anhelo escrito a pluma,
el deseo contenido
en el aroma de café.

De la fría brisa del amanecer
el pecho se eleva,
la pena de la ausencia
se muda en melancolía,
la fragancia de la mujer
resalta la huella de belleza,
que me transporta a un mundo de fantasía.

English version

Aroma of coffee, flavor of women,
Cold dawn breeze,
A greenery blooms in the garden,
Winter is coming under the sky,
The breeze brings me closer to her.

On the bends of the night
The light becomes a fire,
The aroma of his body,
The taste of his caresses imprison me.

An inkwell full of words
A longing written in pen,
The contained desire
In the aroma of coffee.

From the cold breeze of dawn
The chest rises,
The penalty of absence
He moves in melancholy,
The woman's fragrance
Highlights the footprint of beauty,
That transports me to a world of fantasy.

Thank you for your visit, I hope you liked the reading.


Welcome to the Blockchain Poets community, @qwertpa 🙌 and nice work on your poem! You've inspired me to try centering my poetry one time to see how it feels for my writing 😊