[EN-ES] The coffee of your craziness - El café de tus locuras

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago (edited)


English Version

I acknowledge your patience.
In your place, I would have left.
You follow me each day from dawn
to the chamber of our gazes.

Giving me invaluable joys;
your gestures are enough to erase
the darkness of my mistakes.

Your mornings, sweet hurricanes,
are the aroma of my coffee
to wake up,
to see you tending the stove

busy improving.
You leave and I, anxious, wait
for the return of happiness.

When you're not here, I feel you here,
always you, shelter from drizzles
and storms that batter my ship;
stay by my side,

¡Oh beloved wife!

Luck accompanies me by your side
i have grown with you, let me today
offer you the crown of my love;

you deserve each fleeting sigh
esteem and enchantment,
i give you my insignificance
you are my mistress, my home.


Spanish Version

Reconozco tu paciencia.
En tu lugar, me habría marchado.
Me sigues cada día desde el alba
al aposento de nuestras miradas.

Dándome alegrías invaluables;
tus gestos bastan para borrar
las tinieblas de los desaciertos.

Tus mañanas de dulce huracán
son el aroma de mi café
para despertar,
verte atendiendo la estufa

ocupada en mejorar.
Sales y yo, ansioso, espero
el regreso de la felicidad.

Cuando no estás, te siento aquí,
siempre tú, resguardo de lloviznas
y tormentas que azotan mi navío;
quédate a mi lado,

¡Oh amada esposa!

La suerte me acompaña a tu lado
he crecido contigo, permíteme hoy
ofrecerte la corona del respeto;

mereces cada suspiro fugaz
estima y embeleso,
te entrego mi insignificancia
eres mi dueña, mi hogar.



All image are property of the author.
Translation using Gemnini AI

 5 months ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

"you deserve each fleeting sigh
esteem and enchantment,
i give you my insignificance
you are my mistress, my home."

Yes, that is so deserving of a good life partner. I love your last lines dear. Keep it up.

great dedication, I'm sure your wife will be happy, These verses were the best:
"you deserve each fleeting sigh
esteem and enchantment,
i give you my insignificance
you are my mistress, my home. "