It Doesn’t Exist

in Blockchain Poets14 days ago

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My lover
Lives only in my head
I imagine him perfect, and me in awe
He knows my goals, my vices, and flaws

My fear
Lives only in my head
Haunting me, leaving my feelings raw
Trailing my goals, my vices, and flaws

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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 13 days ago  

Well achieved your poem, which, in its brevity, expresses that common (and, at the same time, strange) sensation that in us dwells the being capable of understanding us. Best regards, @restcity.

Ooh. This short poem gives me a lot to ponder. I loved the rhyme and repetition in the piece. It makes you go back and read the stanzas again. Great poem.

Happy you liked it.

Short and sweet... I like the duality it poses, between the love and the fear.

Thanks for reading!

I liked the rhyme and repetition and even though it was brief it still speaks volume.

Very simple and lovely poem Shila. I totally can relate. This lover is just in our heads, I hope that he becomes a reality someday for us.

Good one with imagery.

Keep to that.