A selection of Haikus with the theme of Camping and Nature

in Blockchain Poets โ€ข 2 years ago

The woods are my home
I'm free to roam and explore
Nature is my friend


Under the stars
With my best friends by my side
Camping is magic


In the woods we played
All day long, happy and free
those were the days


Under the stars,
a fire crackles in the night.
Marshmallows, anyone?


The woods are alive
With the sounds of nature
Camping is so relaxing


The morning mist rises
Slowly revealing the lake
Reflecting the trees


The sun sets fast here
Shadows grow long and cold
I am not alone


The woods are so great
Until the bugs come out
Then I just want to leave


Bugs bite at camp
while we try to enjoy the fire.
What a pain in the ass.


Tent by the sea
Waves crashing in the night
Sโ€™mores over the fire


Sandy toes and salty skin
Campfire smoke and ocean waves
Stargazing with you


Sandy beach, salty air.
Cold beer in my hand.
Perfect camping trip.


A cold beer by the fire
Is the perfect way to relax
After a long hike today.


Tall tales around the fire
Swapping stories of daring deeds
Bonding in the night


Stories around the fire
Tales of love and adventure
Bonding with new friends


Tent at night
Zips me in snug and tight
Warmth of my breath


Trying to sleep
In the great outdoors
Bears, bugs, and noises


The morning sun shines
On the tent, telling me to wake
Up and start my day


A cup of coffee
In the morning, while camping
Is the best way to wake


Omelets frying
Bacon sizzling in the pan
Coffee brewing, mmm


Toasted marshmallows,
Chocolate melted in between,
Sticky morning treat.


The woods are silent
As I pack up my things
Leaving only footprints


The campsite fades away
As the car drives us home again
Leaving happy memories

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It's a brief account of you having fun and taking pleasure in the woods. Everything is very specific.I love it, @ruggedbeardmedia!

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What a fascinating way to tell a story! Another thing I could try ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜

Great collection of haiku!

your memories
very nostalgic


Wonderful :)