When we’re kids, we’re always told to keep dreaming
Those dreams chain us to a room,
While we’re constantly screaming;
A room with no windows, no doors, no escape,
A straight path to follow,
And our mouths are sealed with tape.
Expectations skyrocket,
Yet our feet are still glued to the floor;
Our parents scrutinize our mistakes,
We look for the escape door;
The words in the books suck out our energy like vampires
This is all that life is about,
Till the day we expire.
So, we’re chained to that room,
Till our dreams make us paralyzed;
We get used to the locks on the door that we once despised;
In the end, we cease our wait for the door to unlatch;
We break through the chain,
And begin to detach.
The bruises heal,
From when we tried to escape the wretched chains;
Clean our clothes that were filled with ugly stains;
We flee to another realm,
Distant from this dreadful land,
Hoping someday to fulfill the grand demand.

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Unfortunate truth is, for every new life a preplanned script is ready before they come into existence, and most suffocate by this scripted life.
I agree and some people get used to the scripted life so much that they find it comforting